Salarah K Starre

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How to manifest a relationship with the law of attraction

The Law of Attraction has become increasingly popular, but how can you use the tool to manifest a relationship?

I have used the Law of Attraction to turn my life around after dealing with money problems and a toxic upbringing. Now I am focused on helping others to do the same, with the power of positive thinking and manifestation.

I discovered the law of attraction in 2006. I was in such a bad place as a single mum, you know, barely a pint of milk in the fridge and money worries that kept me awake at night and was absolutely dire and I came across a double-page spread in a magazine on a book The Secret.

From that day onwards, I was literally hooked, and it's changed my life.

The law of attraction is the most powerful law in the universe and has become increasingly recognised over the years.

It works on the basic principle that like attracts like and what you think about will come about.

There are other phrases you might have heard, such as, thoughts become things, where attention goes, energy flows.

What you focus on you see more and we have the ability to focus our attention on what we desire. The more we focus on it, the more we see of it, whether it's positive or negative.

Here’s my advice on how to manifest a relationship

Make a list

Focus on what you want. Make a list of how you would like the person to be, their interests, and their hobbies.

Then make a list of what you want to get from the relationship.

Go through that same process, listing things such as, I want to be able to feel their warm hand and mine, I want to walk down the street and have beautiful candlelit dinners, cosy up in front of the fire.

By doing this you are creating an internal environment or focusing on what you do want.

Take action

If you just sit in your flat in your house every single night you’re never going to meet anyone.

It's all well and good asking the universe for something, but you still need to do your part by taking action.

Some people might join agencies or dating sites or whatever it might be.

Maybe the next time your friend asks you to go out, say yes instead of no.

Change your environment

The environment you live in can have a huge impact on your mindset.

The ladies I see most of the time I say, just show me your environment. A third of the law of attraction is your physical environment. One particular lady had pictures in her room, three pictures, all of single women.

You're constantly soaking up things in your environment all the time, so I said to her, 'Believe it or not, those pictures are going to be impacting whether you're going to meet someone or not. As an experiment, how would you feel about taking those down and putting a nice statue there with a couple embracing?

She did that. Two weeks later, the guy that she was so in love with and she couldn't get back, he came back into her life. Now they’re in a proper full on relationship.

It's also about surrounding yourself with images and visuals that can really support the manifestation of that journey.

That’s just a flavour of how you can use the Law of Attraction for manifesting a relationship, but for really powerful manifesting, we need to talk!

Published in the Daily Express