Have you ever noticed when you are in the company of certain people within minutes you feel like the life force is being drained from you? You might find that even thinking of the person can leave you feeling the same way? This leaves you to wanting to avoid that person which can get awkward.
Read MorePerhaps you have noticed that certain people enter into your life in order to trigger healing or spiritual growth within you? I certainly have. Perhaps you have also noticed that you tend to attract the same characteristics in people time and time again?
Read MoreWhat do you do when you feel like you have no voice…
My dear friends, many of us have been faced with countless times in our life where we have felt completely voiceless in a situation. I’m sure you would agree that people can be really challenging at times and without the right tools to help us navigate through some of the stormy waters of relationships we can end up feeling helpless, defenceless and weak.
Read MoreAre you a money magnet or do you spend most of your life in lack and in fear? Many of our current day money issues started when we were growing up. The question is, can our money issues be healed? And the answer a big fat “Heck YES!!”
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