5D Manifesting Masterclasses


No more chasing, no more forcing, it's time to own your power and UNLEASH the MASTER MANIFESTOR within you.

A FULL YEAR MAGICAL IMMERSION to take your manifesting to a whole new dimension!

In these masterclasses you will learn all about 5th Dimensional manifesting and shift your reality to receive the infinite abundance that is divinely yours. 

If you are ready to create the truly rich life you know is meant for you…


You're ready to go all in and make this the year you completely transform your life, this is for you. 

You will receive access to every LIVE and INTERACTIVE monthly masterclass for the next year covering everything from your soul-led journey to energetic mastery and more.  

As we journey together through these masterclasses you will begin to understand what is required to become a master manifestor and finally have the key to set yourself free.

Here’s some of what we will cover in the next 12 months...


  • Discover how to transcend your ego and raise your consciousness to become a high vibrational energetic being. 

  • Uncover and release the cause behind why you might not be experiencing everything you want in your health, wealth and relationships.

  • Clear away any karmic debris and learn a series of lessons that will advance you on your spiritual growth journey. 

  • Take a deep dive into how you have been sabotaging your results and leave behind the 3D aspect of self that keeps you stuck in unhelpful patterns and cycles.

  • Practical exercises to help you along your journey as you rise and evolve from whatever challenges you currently face in life.

  • How to master your frequency and tune into your higher level of consciousness to radically receive in a way that feels fun and uplifting.

  • Learn the process to embody the essential 5th dimensional principles required to bring you into energetic alignment with your soul's purpose.  

  • Experience a deeper sense of self-love, whilst also using your unique gifts to help the world.

Join me in this life-changing process to live the life that you want to manifest! 

This is your permission slip to feel free and safe, move your life forward and experience abundance beyond your wildest dreams.

Master your frequency to master your results!

It’s time to become a magnet for everything you desire.


There are two ways to join me:

The 5D Manifesting Experience

£333 if you pay in advance

Includes access to all 12 LIVE and Interactive 90 minute Monthly Masterclasses

Pay in full and receive a discount or pay in instalments to spread the cost.


If you join part-way through the year, you will have access to all previous recorded sessions so you won’t miss a thing.

The Ultimate 5D Manifesting Experience

£444 if you pay in advance

Includes access to all 12 LIVE and Interactive 90 minute Monthly Masterclasses


A private WhatsApp group where you can meet and connect with other class members for inspiration and accountability, plus ask Salarah any questions. 

Pay in full and receive a discount or pay in instalments to spread the cost.


If you join part-way through the year, you will have access to all previous recorded sessions so you won’t miss a thing.

Salarah Starre is a UK based advanced law of attraction teacher trainer/coach, public speaker, and leading wellness expert. Her biggest passion is helping you to unlock extraordinary levels of magic so that you can live your dream life. Having been featured in national press such as Natural Health magazine, Soul & Spirit magazine and featured regularly on BBC radio.