You Are The Oracle of Your Own Heart

You are here because you’re a seeker. You might even feel like you’ve been searching all your life. Like you’ve tried everything.

And yet something is still missing. You feel lost. Stuck. Lonely. Tired. Disconnected.

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You’re ready to be done with self destructive patterns and cycles.

To make peace with the past and create peace from within.

You know that the common thread through all your experiences in this lifetime is you.

And you’re ready to see life through a lens of opportunity.

To become unapologetically you, and unlock the next level for yourself.

Become a master manifestor in your own life

It’s time to move to the next vibrational level, physically, spiritually and mentally. Every challenge is uniquely designed to help you unlock the potential within - not to break you. And yet without a solid foundational connection to your truest self, it doesn’t always feel that way…

Allow me to support you on your journey of deepening, clarity and mastery, through my Synchronicity Sesions and Ultimate Upgrade packages…

How it works…

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Spiritual Mentorship works by first understanding the true obstacles in your way, at a soul level not just a logical one, then learning how to overcome the challenges, graduate through lessons and to become more empowered and confident in the process. For life to fully make sense. Finally.

In each session, and in between, I will share intuitive and spiritual guidance, specific tools to help you take your life to new levels, and help you align your life to fulfil your hearts deepest desires and show up authentically. I will support you in your process of spiritual evolution.

This process is about empowering you to heal your inner child, dissolve limiting beliefs, gain deep insights about how to co-create and manifest the life you so desire.

It’s also a fun and light hearted process! You came here to experience joy, and this evolution work is no different.

Choose your path…

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Synchronicity Sessions

Your 6 week journey includes:

• 6 x 60 minute one on one sessions with Salarah to go on a deep soul discovery journey, add meaning , purpose and passion to your life.

• Unlimited support via WhatsApp designed to give you the additional support to keep you focused and on track while you make the changes you want to make in your life.

• Guided meditations designed to help you connect and go deeper throughout the process

• Access to selected trainings and recordings from my archive to support your journey

Investment details on application, see below.

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Ultimate Upgrade

Your 3 month journey includes:

• 6 x 90 minute one on one sessions with Salarah to go on a deep soul discovery journey, add meaning , purpose and passion to your life.

• 6 Sessions of Bio-Field Healing (discover more, below).

• Unlimited support via WhatsApp designed to give you the additional support to keep you focused and on track while you make the changes you want to make in your life.

• Guided meditations designed to help you connect and go deeper throughout the process.

• Access to selected trainings and recordings from my archive to support your journey.

Investment details on application, see below.


Discover Bio-Energy Field Healing

Included in the Ultimate Upgrade package


Welcome to your journey of growth, soul expansion and healing through the magical world of remote healing mastery

All that we are and the experiences that happen in our life are the result of what is going on in our bio-energy field. Everything from our past (even past lives) is stored as energy, frequency, vibration and information is passed down through the levels of the biofield and these energies create the physical form we experience and that is manifested in our physical reality. 

Often dis-ease in the physical vessel is the accumulation of many years of stagnation and discordant thoughts, created by distorted beliefs built upon unmet needs. When our bio-energy field is blocked we may notice feelings of being stuck, dis-ease is the body, lack of abundance and more. 

When the frequencies of the bio- energy field (chakras, meridians and nadis) are open and flowing well, then the energy system is in a state of health. When blockages in the system happen then disease manifests.  When changes are made in the bio-energy field, DNA and consciousness, then health can be restored to the system. 

Various energetic protocols are used to bring your biofield into optimal balance and harmony:

  • Chakra assessments to pick up some energetic information using high sense perception/hand scan. Tuning into frequency bands in the biofield giving insight as to how the chakra is functioning.  Discover your own inherent gifts

  • Clouds and Mucus significantly lower one’s vibration and create heaviness in the field and in one’s life. Clouds and Mucus collect when a person has negative thought forms and subsequent negative or low vibrational emotions. Clouds and Mucus are heavy darker emotional imprints that clog the unstructured levels of the human energy field. They are similar to dark and heavy clouds in a rainy sky in that they are darker and heavier in appearance. 

  • Removal of energetic stress webs – Stress webs often come about from being over stimulated in the adrenal glands. By removing the energy stress template that is locking the body down can be very powerful. The stress response is removed allowing for release in the bio-field enabling free energetic movement and activation of the parasympathetic nervous system which restores health.

  • Chakra reconstruction - Chakras are vortices of energy that are located throughout every human’s multidimensional anatomy. Chakra’s primary function is to vitalise the body. When a chakra is blocked, torn, blown, heavy with clouds and or mucus or spinning incorrectly this creates distortion bringing low-frequency energy into the corresponding endocrine gland. This can be traced to the faulty psychological functioning of the person and associated wounding’s that then create an imprinted program.

  • Organ reconstruction - The physical organs grow out of the energy field and the energy field is made up of fine lines of light that are knitted together. These lines of light can get tangled and do not create a great template for tissue to grow. Reconstructing the organs in the body consists of working through the seven levels of the human energy field.

  •  Lung and heart bio circuitry medicine relating to energetic pathways and circulatory Chi systems. The energy meridians play a role in the chi circulation. When these energy meridians are blocked it can begin to create energetic congestion. The congestion builds up and can often create mucus build-up and then drop down into the physical which then creates physical health problems. Once unblocked the energy circulates once again so that things can be in motion. This prevents the build-up of clouds and mucus

  • DNA Clearing and activation - Clean up inorganic particles from the system using platinum and plasma light activating the DNA in the master cell of the pineal gland. The master cell is the central cell of the pineal gland and is responsible for programming all the cells in the body. It is like the access point to every cell in the body.


Interactive, positive and inspiring

Whichever path you choose, in your Spiritual Mentoring sessions we will look at and work with a multitude of levels - physical, emotional and spiritual. We will share deep and profound insights which will notably affect your life for the better. The key for these sessions is to support you in a fun and uplifting way you help you align and listen to your own inner compass and reconnect with your purpose. 

It's important to know in advance that mentoring is not about giving away your power but rather reconnecting to your own power as I teach you how to use the mirror of life to your advantage so you can learn to trust your own inner knowing and inherent gifts.

What my clients say…

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Truly remarkable!

I have received 5 remote healing sessions and being very science driven, I must confess I was skeptical to say the least. However lockdown made it very difficult to seek any therapy that might bring me relief and I was at a stage where I was struggling so much emotionally I was willing to try anything.

The very first session was so unbelievably powerful ! I’m not entirely sure what happened or how but I felt so much better and continued to for days. I booked several more sessions which were carried out fortnightly and the accumulative effect of this has truly been remarkable. I am converted ! Salarah is an amazing therapist - she is trustworthy, full of love and kindness and you can clearly see she genuinely cares hugely about helping people to feel better and becoming the best they can be. Highly recommended.

Aimee, UK

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Salarah’s energy is infectious!

I have been on a journey of self-discovery and healing for over 20 years and tried nearly every therapy you can think of. I have worked with some amazing people but I can honestly say that I have never experienced anything as powerful as the healing sessions I had with Salarah. She was able to get into places that no one else had ever reached before.

These healings left me feeling so much lighter and centred and with an inner sense of hope and trust in the world and a knowing that everything is as it should be. I have so much more trust and faith in life. She helped me clear old patterns and soul contracts that I had been completely unaware of. I feel transformed from the inside out.

I honestly believe that everyone will benefit from being in Salarah’s energy – it’s infectious! I live overseas and had all my sessions remotely and was blown away by the results.

Oonagh, UK


Sian, UK


Spiritual Mentoring can help you:

  • Discover why you are here and your life purpose

  • Release limiting life patterns and beliefs

  • Discover your own inherent gifts and potentials

  • To have a healthy mind that that generates thoughts that are in alignment with your dreams

  • Align your life with your heart’s deepest desires

  • To be guided step-by-step on how to build a life where you feel that you are truly living.

  • Take steps towards living a fulfilling life

  • To feel truly spiritually nourished by having a purpose in the world where you literally change lives by being you

  • To be more in control by designing your own life the way you want it to be, living life on your own terms and truly believing that anything is possible

  • To glow outwardly from your inner positivity and nourish your body in a way that says ‘I love you’

  • Clarify and align with your spiritual and life direction

  • Live a life where you send silent whispers of heartfelt gratitude to the Universe in thanks for your God-given talents being released and the opportunity to give back to the world.

Next steps

Your program will be designed unique to you, your path, your needs and your desired results. You can go ahead and book now or please get in touch to discuss your needs further.

Preview my Coaching Contract (you will be invited to agree to the terms upon booking).