Ascend to the 5th Dimension
It’s no surprise with all that’s going on on the planet right now that we are going through a great accelerated spiritual up-leveling. The world as we know it is changing and we are evolving into more advanced versions of our former selves.
Now learn about how we and our planet are moving towards ascension and a more heartled existence in the fifth dimension.
Change vibration
This is not something you’ll hear about on the news, but many spiritual communities are talking about the upgrade as we move through a planetary shift from one vibration to another – from 3D to 5D consciousness. The D stands for dimension and is not a physical place, but rather a state of consciousness. Our reality is a physical manifestation of our vibration. The higher the frequency, the higher the consciousness, and the faster we see results with our manifestations.
Align with the Universe
Depending on where you are on your journey you may have heard about a fifthdimensional shift that is occurring right now. We are in a process of burning old constructs of who we thought we were, and anchoring in multi-dimensional consciousness, mastering the ability to manifest great things for ourselves and the world. This shift started around 21st December 2012, when all nine planets in our solar system came into perfect alignment with each other. This alignment impacted our consciousness and the vibrations of our planet, creating a mass awakening globally, galactically and within our own beings.
3D – Fulfill your Karma
3D is the physical reality we have chosen to incarnate to, to work through karma and the lessons that only this density provides. 3D reality was created as a school for human beings to live and learn in through a life with sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.
4D – Evolve your Consciousness
Many of us have heard a lot about 3D and 5D, but often 4D is left out. 4D is a very important transitional window where we no longer perceive reality in a strictly linear fashion and our concept of time and space expands. We have roughly another ten years left living in 4D and we are in a state of flux – a place of turbulence and a period of change. The vibration of 4D is much higher than 3D, so everything in 4D is magnified. During this period we change, we evolve, we lose our limitations and we shift into a higher state.
5D – Live with your Heart
From the 5D level of consciousness, you begin to understand that we are all one and connected, and that there is a higher purpose for everything. Every experience holds meaning and is designed to unlock even more potential. 5D is heart-based consciousness, where each day is lived in a state of heartentered love not controlled by ego. While consciousness in 5D is from the heart, consciousness from 3D is governed by the ego. We are now releasing ourselves after 10,000 years of being slaves to our ego and beginning to follow our hearts. You can tap into the universal power of 5D manifestations by putting your awareness into your heart centre when manifesting and having a focus on adding value to the world. Manifesting from the fifth dimension is the fastest way to get your desires into our physical reality.
“From 5D you understand that we are all one and connected”
Follow the signs into 5D
You experience an increase in your sensory perceptions.
You are rapidly detaching from the previous reality, so some things will no longer feel important whilst other things will become more interesting.
Old relationships and jobs are falling away and you will have different interests and new people come into your life.
The words of the mainstream media will no longer hold any interest and you will find yourself drawn to seek the truth beyond the media narrative and gain an interest in greater selfimprovement.
You feel a deeper calling to live a life of purpose and add value to the world.
Create a 5D Shift
Regularly bring your awareness into your heart and make your main focus adding value to the world. When manifesting, ask yourself this question: “How will I add value to the world by having this?”
Watch the news less and do not engage in gossip, judgement and running people down. See the good in everyone and everything in your life.
Change your diet and drink plenty of good quality water; eat fresh fruit and vegetables and minimise processed foods.
Connect to your divinity with self-love. Connecting to source through your heart raises your frequency more than anything else in the Universe and the higher your frequency, the more you will be able to manifest.
Learn to listen to guidance from your heart and follow what resonates with you.
Published in Soul & Spirit Magazine