Learn to speak the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction journey can be an emotional rollercoaster for many. While it can conjure up incredible feelings of excitement and optimism, these positive moods can soon be followed by frustrated periods of blocked energy and a feeling of lack.

Some clients come to me when they feel like they have hit a brick wall and very little comes from their manifesting – or in some cases, nothing at all. Desperate circumstances have created a need for things to happen and although they may have seen some evidence of their power, there has been no real long-lasting or sustainable displays of how they can change their lives from within. They may be a dab hand at manifesting parking spaces with ease, but anything else they start to struggle with.

Express yourself

For me, words carry a great deal of magical power and are the seed of creation that shapes our reality. After all, without language, our thoughts can never manifest into the world. However, it’s important to remember that the words we choose to use have tremendous sway over our lives, impacting us either positively or negatively.

Certain negative words that we habitually use can block the Law of Attraction by activating the fear centre in our brain, causing stress hormones to flood our system. As a result, this lowers our vibration. These hormones/ neurotransmitters cause our amygdala to close down, cutting off the channel to our good energy and creativity that helps us to manifest. That’s why it’s so important to get them right.

We all know that words have the power to regulate and affect emotions. And when you truly grasp this and swap certain words for more positively charged alternatives, you can manifest amazing changes in your life!

Let go of these three words

Take a look at three words that block the Law of Attraction from working in your favour.


When we say ‘I hope’ we are suggesting that we already lack something or that we don’t trust or believe that it can happen. So, instead of saying “I hope this works” or “I hope I find my soulmate”, start using the words ‘I know’. This means your previous statements become “I know this will work” or “I know I will find my soulmate”. As manifestors it’s important to check in and see what happens when we use certain words so that we can consciously be aware of how our vibration is being affected. Check in with your body and notice how ‘I hope’ feels. You’ll find it is much less empowering than ‘I know’.


If I had £1 for every time I heard this word, you guessed it, I would be a millionaire. Most of the time we are unaware of the words we use, and this little beauty slips out time and time again. So, let’s look at the implications of this seemingly inoffensive term. From a Law of Attraction perspective, the energy of trying simply invites more of a trying energy. When you are giving out an energy of trying you will attract more to try you and everything you want will stay out of your grasp. I invite you to eliminate the word ‘trying’ and notice how much more powerful your language feels. Instead of using this word, say ‘I am’ – which is much more positive and assertive.


A needy energy quite often says “get away from me!” and from a Law of Attraction viewpoint, it is repelling and sending out a message of what we lack. If you have faith and trust in the Universe, you know that you live in an abundant world. But, through the lens of need, you can’t see how the Universe is there to support you and you miss opportunities along the way. So, let’s turn the energy of need around. Instead of saying “I need money”, for example, say “I am a money magnet” and see how that changes how you feel.

Now that you know how these words affect you, you can commit this new language to your memory by monitoring your language over the next few days. If it helps you can put little reminders around your home to keep you aware. You will be surprised how these words are invisible to you and you may also want to ask someone that you trust to monitor your language too.

Published in Soul & Spirit Magazine