The importance of vibrations to harness the power of the Law of Attraction

When I first heard about the law of attraction and manifesting back in 2006 I felt like every prayer I have ever sent out to the universe had been answered. Finally, there was something else that I could do to get myself out of my desperate situation. Relationships in turmoil, finances were as bleak as the English weather and I was in full on survival mode.

I was so enthusiastic about everything I learnt and this untapped power that I learned I had inside of me that I got to work straight away. I did everything the books and YouTube videos told me to do and I got some excellent results but some of the things that I really wanted to manifest, still eluded me.

I had many blunders along the way though. I manifested things that I thought I wanted. It was only when I actually got them I realised they weren’t necessarily for my highest good and came with a lot of problems. This you will hear me referring to as diseased manifestations. It’s when we get something that we want and it’s nothing but an absolute nightmare from start to finish 🤦🏽‍♀️

I thought it was something that I was doing. Technically I was doing everything right but vibrationally I was completely misaligned and I didn't even know it. It is now after years of manifesting experience that I can piece the pieces of the puzzle together and figure out why I had such a nightmare with some manifestations, some never came at all, and others I’ve got the opposite of what I wanted.

Of course this is part of my journey that I was meant to experience but if I can save you some of the heartache and blunders, then that would be a good thing, right?

I came to understand that if you are in desperate need, greed or fear and you are manifesting something into your life from this vibration then you are unintentionally and potentially setting up with a dark side of manifesting. The LOA teaches that when we vibrate on a lower frequency we naturally attract lower vibrational frequencies of ALL kinds!

There are many manifestation techniques around and it is difficult to know which ones are connected to light and which ones aren’t. Remember, it is the energy that you come from which determines where you are going. Therefore, if there is need, desperation or lack of any kind this energetic frequency will be the foundation of your manifestation work and attract to you more of the same! But, how do we change that?

I ran a Facebook live with my dear friend and mentor Yehuda Goldfiner where we go into much detail about the dark side of manifesting and how to realign to a higher frequency to get the results that you want.

​Unfortunately, not knowing this is not a defence. Neither is lack of knowledge regarding these laws. Many people who engage in manifestation rituals are not even aware of the dark side of manifesting. We unintentionally give negative energies permission to enter our manifestations and this completely changes the energetic signature of what we are wanting to attract.

I also go into this in more detail in the most recent moon ceremony. I don’t normally share these moon recordings unless you sign up for the event but because this is such an important message, I wanted to share it with you.

Of course, many of this also depends on your own personal level of consciousness and how much your soul has grown and learnt from the lessons it is gifted with in this lifetime. In my private one-to-one coaching sessions, I help people identify the lessons in the challenges they face, help clear the blocks presented in order to create a nice clear foundation for manifestations. BOOM! You start to see the results you want. 🙌🏼

If you want to arrange a free discovery call, click here and we can arrange a time to have a cuppa over zoom to discuss how I can help you up level.

P.S There are loads of resources for your perusal on the media page of my website. From podcast interviews to articles. All designed to help you on your manifesting journey!