Meet your inner child and learn how to heal her
Learn to recognise your inner child
When I first started my law of attraction journey in 2006, I had no idea just how important the inner child was in manifestations. In fact, I didn’t even know my inner child existed until I went through my own healing journey.
I knew that things were not working out in my life, but I couldn’t pinpoint what I needed to do either. I absolutely knew that there were multiple things requiring healing within me because my relationships, finances and health were completely out of alignment with what I wanted to experience in my life.
I knew my past had impacted me, but I had no idea just how much my wounded inner child was stopping my manifestations from being all that they could be.
Inner child work is an effective way of addressing the emotional needs that weren’t met for us as children. The younger aspect of us was never quite loved the way he/she needed as a child. Quite often our parents loved us the way they needed loving, but not the way we needed loving. Leaving a void inside of us that in later years becomes very painful and creates many unhealthy patterns and cycles.
I was first introduced to the concept of the inner child via the teachings of Louise L Hay. Her powerful intensive workshop called You Can Heal Your Life was an absolute game changer for me. I loved it so much and experienced wonderful results in my manifestation practice after I attended the course. I was so thrilled with the shifts that I decided to become a licensed teacher of her work in 2010 and have run intensives every year since.
As I was led through very powerful processes at the teacher training, I was introduced to little Popsy (My nick name back then 🤪 Shhh, I don’t share this with anyone) and I was able to identify key moments in my life where wounds were causing obstructions to what I wanted to experience in my life. Popsy was in pain, she needed me, and after learning some techniques, I finally knew how to give her the love and support she required to flourish. When I first made this connection, I sobbed and sobbed. I wondered where I had been all my life.
If there are still some things in your life that are not working the way you would like them to then it may very well mean your inner child could do with some further healing so that you can reach a place of peace inside and manifest the life of your dreams.
I had no idea that my inner child and the law of attraction were so closely related until I started to see profound results in my own life. Now I am an advocate for inner child work and allowing the magic of my inner child to bring fun, imagination and creativity back into my life.
How does inner child healing help with your manifestations?
When your inner child has unresolved wounds, it creates blocks that stop your desires manifesting the way you would like them to. In fact, quite often when we try and manifest, we can get the opposite of what we want or the very thing we want eludes us completely. Until we heal this, we can’t let go of limiting beliefs and struggle to leave “victim mode”.
When we are in this mode, it is disempowering and ends up creating more of the circumstances that we are so desperate to escape.
How do we recognise the wounds of our inner child? The way I have come to understand it, is that when we are triggered there is always an underlying feeling that is activated. It might come out as anger and frustration, but these are side-effects and there is always something much deeper going on.
Have you ever paid attention to the little voice inside of you. No matter how old you are right now, there are many younger versions of you inside of you. This can be beautifully illustrated by using the example of a Russian doll. Some of these versions have happy memories and some of these versions carry deep-seated wounds. It is the wounds that we experience that create blocks in current time and affect the way we see and react to the world around us. These are the ones that when accessed and healed, create noticeable shifts in our current reality.
Learning to validate, care for and reassure the younger version of yourself is what inner child work is all about. This can be one of the most powerful processes for unlocking your next level of consciousness and helping you to create the reality that your heart truly desires.
The question is, how do we heal this aspect of our self so that we no longer experience the triggers, limiting beliefs and blocks with our manifestations? There are many wonderful ways to do this. I’ve personally found the Heal Your Life intensive weekend a powerful fast track to healing many of my wounds and created more awareness than any other inner child work I had ever done.
Why is healing your inner child so important when it comes to manifesting your desires? Most of our limiting beliefs were formed when we were very little. Events that occur in later years tend to reinforce the limiting beliefs creating a perpetual cycle of the same outcomes. Inner child work can resolve the effects from these wounds and provide a clean slate for a fresh exciting start.
The process of healing the inner child is one of the most important tasks you will ever undertake. It takes time and commitment and doesn’t happen overnight. However, when practiced regularly the results are long-lasting and noticeable.
When you first make a sincere connection to your inner child you may begin to feel every emotion under the sun. Deep sense of connection, sadness, anger, relief and more. This shows that you have made a connection with your inner child and will be one of the most rewarding tasks you will ever undertake.
By allowing yourself time to connect with your inner child and go within, you’ll begin to peel back the layers of your everyday coping mechanisms and you’ll start to see real results in your life.