Fear. A good sign? Really?!

Fear has always been a hot topic on the agenda of my life. As far back as I can remember I always feared something. Whether it be anxious about relationships, my health or even money. It was alway there.

Quite frankly I got to a point where I was fed up with this pattern dictating my life. Can you relate? It felt like fear was an old (not so good) friend that was following me around and all I wanted to do was shake this friend from my tail. Once. And. For. All. And live in peace.

I’ve been on a journey of late embarking on a deeper healing journey to move through some of the deep rooted fear.

One thing I know for sure is that fear tends to show up when we are just about to reach a new level in our life. This is the point where most people give up but is the most important point to keep going.

The quote “successful people hang on when everyone else has let go” is a great reminder to me and now I know that when my fear shows up its because something extraordinary is about to happen. If you are reading this it’s because this message is for you too.

Gain support during this transitional times and call in the help of trusted friends, coaches and mentors to help you walk through the door of change. I don’t think I would ever got as far as I have as quickly as I have without them.

Is there somewhere that you could seek additional help to help you through the next door of change? You are worth the time and the effort and so is your life!

With Kindness,